Nearing $300!

Again, wow.  Seriously, guys, thank you.  Thanks to additional donations by Danial and Charles (and another anonymous benefactor or two), I’m quickly approaching the $300 mark in donations since my casual, albeit craven, plea for the filthy lucre. 

I obviously do appreciate the money, and moreso (really!) the thought behind it.  Certainly nobody is required to donate anything, it’s not like I’d shut the site down otherwise.  So the fact that people choose to do so voluntarily really does help me appreciate even more just what we’ve all built here.  Thanks to everyone, not just those who had cash to toss me, but everyone who stops by and wastes their time here, posts messages, etc.  We’re not the biggest b-movie site on the Web by any means, but I can’t pretend I’m not more than a bit proud of the little community we’ve forged here.

As noted, barring some incident like my crappy, flickering old Monster CRT Monitor finally giving up the ghost (it’s about time to go to flatscreen anyway) , the money I’ve recieved will all go to buy movies to review on the site.  And, as I mentioned to one of our subscribers, perhaps a jumbo bottle of aspirin to go along with them.  That’s a legitimate expense, surely.

Anyway, with all you guys being so generous, I can only respond by finally getting my act together and posting on a more regular basis.  And if I have to miss some Cubs games–well, OK, maybe I’ll sleep less.  And that’s just through October (fingers crossed!), anyway.  So keep an eye out for more content in the near future, and again, really, thanks to each and every one of you. 

  • Ericb

    So what do you think about that Cuban fellow buying the Cubs?

  • Frankly I can’t imagine the other owners, particularly Reinsdorf of the White Sox, letting him in their little club. If they do, it’ll be an interesting change. I do think it’s funny that many fans are saying having a ‘face’ own the team will mean that there will be somebody to be ‘help accountable’ instead of some anonymous corporate suit. “Held accountable”? What does that mean? That if the Cubs suck one year, you can drag Cuban into the street and tar and feather him?