Clouds starting to part…

Well, I’ve got my car towed to the garage last night (thanks, AAA), so at least some progress has been made. Now if it would only stop raining long enough for my roof to get fixed. Not today, I guess, as we’re due for more major storms this evening, much like the ones that blanketed the Chicago area last night. Still, just a bit more water damage and hopefully the roof will finally be done and I can start paying that bill off.

Also, if all goes well, the garage will have the part I need and I’ll get the car back tonight. A bill under $200 would be nice, too. I don’t have $200 at the moment, but it would be better than $400 I don’t have. I have putting stuff on my credit card, but it is good to have it when you need it.

Ah, well. I shouldn’t let all this keep me from basking in the fact that Dusty Baker is no longer the manager of the Cubs.