Now, if EVERYBODY buys a copy of this…

…it would pay for my new roof.  Er, wait…I’d get…maybe $.40 a sale?  OK, it’d pay for maybe a hundredth of my roof.  Never mind.  The thing is, the next lowest vender is selling this for $18.  And man, that’s some prime ’70s junk right there.

Or this…

or this…

Same cheap price?  Might was well throw in this…



  • Ken? Copy of what?

  • Toreen

    I wish I had the money right now! I loved both Jason of Star Command and Ark II as a kid!

    And a lot of my friends don’t remember it and think I made it up!

    Any idea when The Secret of Isis is coming out on DVD?

  • I suspect both the Secret of Isis and Shazam have been and will be kept off the market by copyright issues, sadly enough.

  • In case my comment was confusing: I use Adblock, so your ads were invisible to me.

  • Ah, sorry, I missed your original message. The featured item was of the awful ’70s Saturday morning live-action Ark II. Since I think watching this might make your head explode, you may wish to forgo the experience.

  • The Rev. D.D.

    Ark II is one of those shows I always hear about but have never experienced. I should look for that.

    Same for Jason of Star Command, although I’m more interested in that due to Jim Aupperle and friends having done some stop-motion critters for it.

    And now, having glanced at the IMDB listing for it, I REALLY want to see JoSC because apparently Sid Haig had a recurring role, and the super-fine Julie Newmar popped up for a couple as well.