Fringe starts tonight…

Anybody looking forward to this?

I have to admit, I nearly never watch TV shows anymore. Mythbusters when I remember it, and Venture Bros. is off for another year now. I don’t have Tivo and in fact no recording capacity at all since the cable got installed, since my VCR isn’t hooked up.

The larger issue, though, is that when you get out of the habit of checking out TV every night, its easy to start missing episodes. With so many programs being heavy into continuity now, that’s a problem. But really, for myself there’s also the issue that the majority of shows go off the air right quick, so why bother getting hooked on them? I still watch programs, but I’m the guy who just waits until they hit DVD and I can kill a season off in a weekend.

This is another nail in the coffin to commercial-supported TV. It’ll be interesting to see what takes its place.

  • Danny

    “This is another nail in the coffin to commercial-supported TV. It’ll be interesting to see what takes its place.”

    Probably something like Comcast’ On-Demand service, but hopefully more robust. You’d pay a larger monthly fee, and then could watch whatever you wanted at will. It’s becoming the new norm for other, more bandwidth friendly media, like the new, RIAA-approved Napster, or Marvel’s Digital comics.

    Interestingly, both of those are also a lot cheaper than other distribution methods. Napster’s $13 a month (about the cost of one CD), and Marvel is $5 or $10 a month (depending on if you get it for a year or month-by-month).

    Then there’s Netflix. A version of Netflix where you just watch the DVDs on your computer is pretty much going to happen in the next two or three years. The technology’s mostly ready now.

    Didn’t you mention once Wal-Mart had a service where you could burn movies to blank DVDs you brought in? Something like that.

  • I don’t watch anything that involves Scientologists (Abrams), period. Just on principle. Sorry Fringe.

  • fish eye no miko

    I saw it. I liked it. I think the Mad Scientist (a show with an actual mad scientist!) is my favorite character.

  • Petoht

    I have it on tape, and will be watching in a day or two.

    I think DVRs are both helping and killing commercial television. People who don’t have one (like me) limit their TV watching to a handful of shows (or watch them online), while people who have them can watch numerous shows, but skip the commercials.

    Either way, I think web watching is going to become more and more popular (kudos to USA for doing it right). The bigger question is what’s going to happen to all these networks? More “reality” shows?

  • Troodon

    I pretty much Lost the same way… I don’t have the patience to have to wait a whole week to find out what happens next, and I have a very irregular work schedule so can’t guarantee I can tune in at the right time, so I just wait for the DVD to come out and watch it in solid chunks when I get the chance.

    To Matty Boy: I’m no big fan of Scientology either, however I don’t really give a crap about the religious or political beliefs of producers/dorectors/actors , so long as they don’t insert them into their movies or TV shows. As I once said to someone not happy about George Clooney’s political beliefs: “I don’t about what politicans think about movies. Why should I care about what actors think about politics?”