Spot sale on James Bond Ultimate Collection…

I have this set, it’s pretty swank. 21 films (Dr. No through Casino Royale), 42 discs, dripping with extras including commentaries and in-depth making of documentaries for each picture. Cased in slimpacks, so the entire package takes an amazingly small amount of shelf space. All for $97, 67% off the $300 MSRP. Good stuff.

  • Richard Kolke

    I ordered the James Bond set for $95.99 through your link on August 14 at 9:00 AM MST. By 3:00 PM it was no longer available on Amazon and is still only available through Amazon Sellers. Do you suppose the price may have been a misprint? Maybe there should have been a ‘one’ in front of the price?

    Anyway, thanks for the tip, I can’t wait to get the set.

  • Sorry, did you get it for the reduced price? If not, I would cancel the order.

    Every day Amazon has spot sales, items they basicallly offer at an often drastically reduced price until whatever number of units they wish to liquidate sell out. At that point the item reverts to their normal price. In one particularly extreme case, they offered the complete Buffy series for something like $80, and it sold out in about five minutes.

    It seems like from your note that you got the set before it sold out. In that case, you got a great deal, and I can reap my 4% or whatever guiltfree. In cases where it is one of these temporary sales, though, I usually use the phrase ‘spot sale’ in the blog item title.

    I hope that clears things up. I’ll try to be clearer in the future; it’s not my intention to mislead anybody.

  • Richard Kolke

    Yes, I ordered the set for the reduced price, received the order confirmation and the whole nine yards.

    I don’t feel misled at all. I mentioned the deal to two of my friends who didn’t act fast enough and they missed out. Too bad for them.