Hell’s Bells, I have to make this one! Saturday, Aug 23rd sees a triple bill of three classic big bug movies playing at Chicago’s historic and recently restored Portage Theater:

5:45 PM: Beginning of the End (“Set” in Chicago, of course)
7:45: The Black Scorpion
9:15: Them!


Info on the theater here.

Also at the Portage this month, Creature of the Black Lagoon plays this Saturday night, with Creature portrayer Ricou Browning signing autographs!

Fans of schlock, meanwhile, will want to check out the mini-marathon run at the theater on Aug 16th, featuring The Hills Have Eyes (the real one), The Tingler, The Deadly Spawn, Slumber Party Massacre, Henry: Portrait of a Serial Killer, Machine Girl, and a documentary on William Castle.  All for $17!!

  • DAMMIT! Roger, I’m so sorry, I accidently killed your HI-larious note whilst swatting spams. Please repost if you feel like it, and I’ll try to be more careful!

  • silverwheel

    Beginning of the End!! OMG!

    There’s an awfully good chance I’m attending this.

  • roger h

    Swatting SPAM like so many grasshoppers. I always wanted to be a SPAM King. Do you have to work your way up from SPAM Duke or something?

    OK, here it is:

    My favorite line from the Beginning of the End is when Dr. Wainwright (Peter Graves) says something like “somehow I feel responsible for this.”

    Somehow? Rewind the movie and watch it again Dr. Ed, you were totally responsible for the creation of the giant grasshopper!

    I’ll get a picture of the Portage Theater and join you guys in spirit. I’ll be as close to Chicago as the grasshoppers ever were.

  • Dammit. Them! is one of my favorite films. I wish I had the funds for a quick trip to Chicago.