Help, I’m stepping into the Twilight Zone…

Nice sale on the remastered, extra-packed Twilight Zone: The Definitive Edition sets. At $37-39 bucks each for the first five season sets, this is a nice steep discount over the somewhat inflated MSRP, and with Amazon’s free shipping a good bit cheaper than they can be had elsewhere. Each has about 15 hours of shows, plus loads of extras (commentaries, etc.). As for the program itself, really, what more can be said. One of the all-time classics. I think I paid more than this when I bought mine, alas. Still, I can’t complain. Great stuff.

  • Marsden

    Twilight Zone was absolutely great, but unfortunately because of the “suprize twist endings” of most of them it on repeat veiwing it suffers, somewhat. I try not to watch them for at least a few years so I can kind of “forget” but great episodes stand out in your memory so it’s kind of… Sorry I’m trying to express something but it’s not coming out well, but I think you know what I’m trying to say. No doubt it was a great show.

  • The Rev. D.D.

    Shows like this are where my excellent memory comes back to bite me in the ass. Same thing with movies like The Sixth Sense and Seven. They’re never going to hit me with the impact they did the first go-round… *sigh*

    Fortunately, a lot of those TZ episodes still hold up to repeated viewings, regardless of the lack of the twist’s surprise. “Time Enough at Last,” “The Invaders,” and “The Monsters are Due on Maple Street” still work for me. So do the more humorous ones, since they’re not so dependant on the twist to carry them.