Entertainment Weekly Strikes Back!

I guess they heard of me making fun of them this morning, becuase EW just sent me an e-mail* offering me the ‘opportunity’ to ‘win’ a DVD of the latest Robin Williams ‘comedy’ License to Wed.

[*I subcribe to EW because they had offered me a rate of something like $.25 an issue.  Otherwise I’d just scan it at the library.]

Is nothing so low that these guys won’t stoop to it?!  YOU BASTARDS!!

  • Karl Allen

    So if you win you get a copy of the DVD. What do you get if you don’t win? Two copies?

  • ‘win’ a DVD of the latest Robin Williams ‘comedy’ License to Wed.

    You misspelled “lamest,” Ken. Proofreading, proofreading!

  • Good night, folks. Try the veal.

  • Dan Coyle

    I refuse to resubscribe until Ken Tucker is gone from the magazine. I dread his upcoming review of X-Files 2 as the most bestest science fictiony film of the age.

  • Beppo

    I can stand EW. I only read it when I’m waiting for my car at the mechanic’s. Is Ken Tucker the evil behind it? Stupid, smug, shallow unadulterated pap.

    Speaking of, the Paul Lynde Halloween Special is waiting for me at home, courtesy of Netflix!

  • I’m not sure ‘courtesy’ is the right word in this particular instance, but let us know what you think of it.

  • Dan Coyle In Real Life

    Tucker is their extraordinarily shallow, monstrously kiss ass “Critic-At-Large”, who started out on the magazine a very astute, entertaining TV critic.

    It’s when his fellow EW writer Frank Spotnitz landed a gig writing for The X-Files that Tucker began to… change. He was already a fan of the show, but when Spotnitz left EW for Hollywood he wrote article after article after article praising XF to high heaven, in one instance writing a bizarre review saying The Twilight Zone was far less important and vital than The X-Files, claiming Carter’s conspiracy narrative was far more compelling than Rod Serling’s rote morality plays.

    The review was so jaw-droppingly insane that Jeffrey Vlaming, who wrote for the show in season 3 (best known for “Hell Money”, the Chinatown crime ep), wrote to the magazine telling Tucker he was out of his mind. Unfortunately for Vlaming, he didn’t tell Chris Carter that he was writing a letter. His contract was NOT renewed for S4.

    When Carter’s star began to wane Tucker latched parasitically onto David Chase and humped his leg for the remainder of his tenure on the mag until he left in 2003, but came back last year, when I promptly let my subscription run out in protest.

    His book Roasting Miss Piggy, Kissing Bill O’Reilly is filled with some of the worst criticism ever written.

  • Brandon

    License to Wed? Why not just ‘reward’ you with the opportunity to win a kick in the family jewels instead.

    As for Ken Tucker and the X Files, I liked TXF growing up, and I still have a special place in my heart for it, but more important than The Twilight Zone? Come on.