Monster of the Day #3296
Wow, this is next week already. November 3rd (a week from Thursday) is apparently Godzilla Day, and so Fathom Events for that night only will be showing the Millenium Godzilla movie Godzilla… Read Article →
Wow, this is next week already. November 3rd (a week from Thursday) is apparently Godzilla Day, and so Fathom Events for that night only will be showing the Millenium Godzilla movie Godzilla… Read Article →
I needed a horror movie for last Friday’s watch party, and they didn’t have a lot of old school ones, so I opted for this. The snap decision paid off nicely. Heavily… Read Article →
Especially since I’ll be tied up next Friday. It’ll be, er, something horror-oriented, I guess. See you there. 9:00 EST.
Again, a cheat today. There really isn’t much overt ‘monster’ action in Carl Dreyer’s Vampyr, but man, if you want mood and atmosphere this is the flick for you. The sequence where… Read Article →
Today’s Monster is a cheat, but in service of recommending a great, often overlooked film for your Halloween viewing. Mad Love is anchored, of course, by a typically wonderful performance by Peter… Read Article →
Jaime B’s doctor tells him he really should lose weight.* [*Obviously in real life I’m about a million times heavier than Jaime. Although I rolled my eyes when my new, young doctor… Read Article →
Oops, forgot to post today. How about another Lionel Atwill technicolor extravaganza? The Mystery of the Wax Museum. And yes, that’s Fay Wray. Your probably recognize her tonsils.
Let’s look at some of the old movies that are a bit more obscure this week. The Universals eat up most of the oxygen this time of year for classic movie fans,… Read Article →
Sweet! Happy Friday, everyone! Watch something stupid this weekend. And something spooky.
That’s actually a pretty nice cover. I have one question, though. Is the blonde a series character (see yesterday’s cover) or did the artist just have a type?