Monster of the Day #3316

The watch party last Friday featured Bride and the Beast, most famous (among a certain elite demographic) for having been scripted by Ed Wood Jr. If not directed by him, which no doubt helped in making it fairly competent technically. It also, sadly, lacks the rich, convoluted baroqueness of Wood’s usual dialog. However, in terms of weirdness and fetishes it’s right up there. For instance, it features a hero who has a secret gorilla chamber in his house–this is portrayed as completely normal–in which he keeps his caged ape, Spanky. (!!!)

I scored a rather satisfying Nerd Point then I predicted that the heroine would get the sort of life regression session, ala Bridey Murphy, that informed other cheapie horrors of the time like Corman’s The Undead and Edward Cahn’s The She-Creature. It was pretty satisfying when GalaxyJane expressed surprise when I was proven correct. As you can see, the heroine wears Angora through much of the picture, as scripted by Wood. The film spends half it’s time incorporating a killer tiger plotline stolen along with footage from another (much more competent) film–some of which I think was also featured in Jungle Hell–before finally returning to the main film for ten minutes to wrap things up with one of the most questionable endings I’ve ever seen, much less for a film made in the 50s. I wonder what the kiddie matinees of the time made of it. Anyway, it’s on Prime if you want to take a look.

  • KeithB

    Our Samsung TV has a bunch of Samsung-only streaming channels. They have a seasonal one about 1000 holiday movies. My wife has been hooked. I enjoy looking up the info on wikipedia – even though an amazing number have no article, so I have to endure the imdb.

    Anyway, last night we saw “A Royal Christmas Ball” directed by David DeCoteau(!)
    and “A Royal Christmas Engagement” directed by Fred Olen Ray (!!) with John Schneider doing the Willie Nelson thing and paying off his bills.

    As I remarked to my wife, the good thing about these movies is that even if you join it in the middle, you can pretty much figure out the plot in five minutes.

  • Kirk

    I read that as Jungle Hell being a more competent film and almost had a heart attack.

  • 🐻 bgbear_rnh

    The source film may have been competent but I notice it starred Wendell Corey and that always has me on notice.

  • That was one boring flick. Better than Staying Alive, though.

  • Beckoning Chasm

    So it’s like the Hallmark Channel then.

  • KeithB

    Many of them are Hallmark/ION/Lifetime retreads.

  • IDK, I managed to stay awake during ‘Stayin’ Alive’ no matter how painful that choice was. I missed the last 20 minutes of ‘Bride’ snoring on the couch. Trying to decide if it is worth rewatching the end or not.

  • Gamera977

    Personally, guy in gorilla suit or Travolta- I know which way I’m leaning…

  • Gamera977

    ‘Jungle Hell’ is great if you like stock footage of elephants…

  • Gamera977

    Thanks Ken!!! Will watch it tomorrow, not as fun by myself but it still sounds like a riot!

    I mean who doesn’t have a secret ape named ‘Spanky’?

  • 🐻 bgbear_rnh

    I think I saw it or at least a good part of it. It is amazing how one film can get cut up and spliced into so many others. There is a western called “Red Canyon” that had many scenes re-used into two more big time westerns and those were in turn used for scenes in later TV westerns.

    BTW “Man-Eater of Kumaon” 1948 was the name of the tiger hunt stock footage donor if anyone ever wants to give it a look.

  • 🐻 bgbear_rnh

    We need better jokes to keep GJ awake.

  • It probably isn’t, but I can’t say I haven’t done something similar myself.

  • That movie didn’t really inspire the way some of them do, did it? Or was it just me?

  • 🐻 bgbear_rnh

    Captain, I used every gorilla, monkey, tiger, bon mot I know, I can’t give any more

  • Ken_Begg

    Oh, you want to see the end.

  • Gamera977

    Things I learned from this movie: If a woman loves fur it means she was a gorilla in a previous life. And that she’ll dump you first chance she gets to run off with her new gorilla beau…

  • Eric Hinkle

    Spanky the Gorilla… Did he have two pals named Alfalfa and Buckwheat?

  • Ken_Begg

    Alfalfa at least got name checked during the Watch Party.