Monster of the Day #3642
Roger Corman (strictly a producer by then) was not afraid to follow trends. In fact, he insisted upon it. So Humanoids of the Deep contained copious gore and nudity and an entire… Read Article →
Roger Corman (strictly a producer by then) was not afraid to follow trends. In fact, he insisted upon it. So Humanoids of the Deep contained copious gore and nudity and an entire… Read Article →
I haven’t seen everything, of course, but I feel I’ve seen a solid majority of all English language horror movies made prior to, oh, 1980. Then the video age came about and… Read Article →
Sorry, computer issues plus getting up a bit late, so no MotD yesterday. Friday’s Watch Party was sparsely attended. I hope it’s because people were busy for holiday stuff (like Gamera) but… Read Article →
Man, practical suits. This is from Cellar Dweller, one of those boxes you saw at every single video rental store back in the day. Have a great weekend, everyone. Watch something stupid…. Read Article →
Nearly forget. Oops. See you there, folks.
Never saw Night of the Creeps, but I think it’s well regarded and it has Tom Atkins in it. One of these days, maybe.
The 80s was the last golden age for monster movies. They really seem to have fallen out of favor. (I think because most monsters are done via CGI now rather than played… Read Article →
I don’t know Art, but I know what I like.
New evidence suggests how the Americans won the Revolutionary War.
Japan seems to me to be a conflicted country when it comes to women. On the one hand, as late as World War II the soldiers of that country were establishing rape… Read Article →