Monster of the Day #3663

Look, the guy’s got issues. However, he basically has more hair left than I do. So he’s got that going for him.

  • 🐻 bgbear_rnh

    A moon not full. Seems like it should be noted.

  • I'm not seeking out the original story, mainly because I find this cover so fascinating.

    I mean, what is going on here? Is it the reading of a will? Is it the dead guy's? Are the horrified people the killers he's come to confront in a no doubt violent manner? Has he come to make a correction on his will and they're just put out by the presence of the living dead? Or did one of them park in the handicapped parking and he's there to tell them off?

    Speaking of the undead, why is he in a wheelchair, especially since he can clearly use his skeletal arms? Why is he (assuming that's a he) in a gown? Maybe that's his shroud, I dunno. More confounding is the head of hair and the eyes. Does he have more remains remaining? Are we all seriously glad he dressed up for the occasion as much as he did?

    Speaking of hair, was one of the living duo his hair stylist and he has a complaint?

    Where's the light coming from to cast his shadow? Can the woman (let's call her Wray Fay) really see the visitor? She looks like she's standing behind the door. Which reminds me, why is that lamp off beside her?

    Making more assumptions, why is this story called "Till Death Do Us Part?" Is the undead guy married to Wray Fay? Is he trying to claim her despite being dead?

    Is the undead even at the right house? Wouldn't that be a kick in the teeth? Have to hunt down a wheelchair and gown, struggle all the way there, and find out you're at the wrong place. Maybe Wray Fay and her companion were expecting supernatural company, only this is the wrong one. Maybe this happens all the time.

    There is literally no way the story inside could be as interesting as the cover. None. Even EC comics would have a hard time.

  • 🐻 bgbear_rnh

    The wheelchair skeleton looks like he forgot his line.

  • Gamera977

    Wray Fay looks more angry to me than scared. It's like 'I gave you a nice burial you SOB, what the heck are you doing back!?!??!?!'

  • 🐻 bgbear_rnh

    This Doordash gets no tip

  • Eric Hinkle

    "Now you will all PAY for murdering me for my money! I — wait a minute. Is this 66 Elm Street?"

    "No, you bonehead. This is 99 Beech!"

    "Oh. Ah, Dreadfully sorry about that. I guess I really did need my eyes examined back in my breathing days. Well, cheerio. Oh, by the way, love the decor."