Monster of the Day #3665

I feel seen! If I were crawling out of a steamer trunk (and I mean, now, when I’m technically alive), it would be exactly this painful and awkward looking. Only with a lot more wheezing.

Watch Party this Friday…before a three week break. B-Fest the weekend after this (!!!) and Basement Fest the weekend after that. Man, I *do* feel like this dude in the trunk.

  • 🐻 bgbear_rnh

    Billy, I swear we called "Olly olly oxen free".

  • Gamera977

    Looking at this in the morning on a teeny phone screen with blurry eyes I thought the green steamer trunk was a garbage dumpster. I was thinking WTH, a dumper-diving vamp now!?!?!?

  • Gamera977

    BTW I was looking on Ebay for 3D printed figures and there were several 'sexy' figures of Sadako Yamashira from 'Ringu'.

    I mean gee friggin' whiz, sexy is the LAST thing I associate with Sadako!!!

  • Ken_Begg


  • How about Freddy Kruger? Michael Myers? Jason Vorhees? Chucky?

    All these and more have been made into Bishoujo Statues. It is a thing, it is real. They've even made one out of Ash from Evil Dead. Just imagine. Pennywise the Clown even.

  • Gamera977

    Maybe I'm weird but I just never thought of Sadako as sexy. I mean you can mix sexy and horror, a figure of one of Ingrid Pitt's vampresses would be scary and sexy. There are some nice figures of Vampira. There are a lot of sexy ghosts, like the one from 'Chinese Ghost Story' and Connie Sellaca's from 'The Bermuda Depths'. But to me Sadako is just creepy and terrifying.
    In 'Ringu 0' the actress for the live Sadako is cute. And in the novel as a human she's described as a stunning beauty pushed into a career as a model or actress. But in 'Ringu' she never appears as an alluring ghost that tries to seduce men to their ruin. Just creepy as hell.
    I have a small collection of sexy female figures, Alita from 'Alita: Battle Angel', Quara from 'Tron Legacy', Tali from 'Mass Effect'. (all wearing clothes mind you and appearing as they did in the movie or game). But a nude Sadako with giant boobs crawling out of a TV is a bridge too far for me….

  • Eric Hinkle

    I really do not get women who are turned on by Freddy 'covered in 3rd degree burns sadistic child killer' Krueger. Maybe it's just the 'I can save him with my love' mindset run amok?

  • Deeply weird. Nice art, though.

  • Ken_Begg

    Rule..34, right? You know the one. It's true, though.