Monster of the Day #3662

“Man, I don’t know. Eyes, or, uh, a skeleton guy, or…I don’t know, whatever.”

  • I looked this story up to see if there was good riffing material, only to discover that the protagonist's name is Ted Femur. Femur. What can I do to this story it's author hasn't already done to it?

    For the curious, there's a synopsis:
    Ted Femur dies in a boating accident, but pleads with the "high court of the dead" to return to the world of the living to look for the love of his life. He finds the girl who was meant for him. She doesn't see him as a rotting corpse and is willing to even marry him. But there's a catch…

    If the girl's name isn't something like Mary Tibula, then the world ain't right.

  • 🐻 bgbear_rnh

    I see Hallmark Romance

    BTW it's tibia and fibula, I hate to do that, but I had to take anatomy 3 times to get it right most of the time ;-)

  • Man, now my reputation for being perfect is ruined! How could I have been so careless!

    Seriously, though, I looked the damn word up on the web and STILL got it wrong. I'd say my brain was going, but it's been long, long gone.

  • For the record, the website Comic Book Plus has the issue in question. The story is… okay.

  • 🐻 bgbear_rnh

    I am sure the web does think it is a real word considering how we have all done it.