Monster of the Day #3433
Netflix is making a push in animated series revolving around the classic Japanese (and in this case, American) kaiju; Godzilla, King Kong (recently posted) and soon to come, Gamera. These has mostly… Read Article →
Netflix is making a push in animated series revolving around the classic Japanese (and in this case, American) kaiju; Godzilla, King Kong (recently posted) and soon to come, Gamera. These has mostly… Read Article →
In this case, the movie is at least…OK? Decent? So the poster isn’t *that* much better. However, uh….. I don’t know, something just seems a little off. Happy Friday Eve, folks!
Speaking of posters that are slightly better than the movie….. Happy Wednesday, folks. Saw Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind for the first time last night, in a nice silent respectful… Read Article →
I assume is knock-off Frazetta, but it’s pretty decent and obviously nearly as inaccurate to the film as the poster for Sea Serpent. Other than that, the film is best known for… Read Article →
Last Friday’s Watch Party was the recently added Frogs, a film I saw when I was nine or ten in my hometown Pickwick Theatre. Back in the day’s when your Mom would… Read Article →
So the latest, horrible-sounding Indiana Jones movie came out on June 29th. Six days later, after less than a week in theaters (and I included the Thursday night “preview” showings, since Friday… Read Article →
9:00 EST. See ya!
So…attempts to modernize the Universal Monsters. We live in a vastly different world now. There are, functionally, no monster kids. In their attempt to force another cinematic universe (which no one has… Read Article →
Weekend nearly here. I could get used to this three day work week. Oh, well, maybe eight or ten years from now. Anyway, nice poster, obviously. Universal should give up, though. They… Read Article →
Oh, well, back to reality. Still, three day workweek. Watch Party on Friday.