Monster of the Day #3430

I assume is knock-off Frazetta, but it’s pretty decent and obviously nearly as inaccurate to the film as the poster for Sea Serpent. Other than that, the film is best known for a) being directed by Larry Buchanan, b) being none too successfully set in “Scotland”, and c) having a lovable Nessie big unwieldy prop head and neck that also appeared in the Bullshit or Not? segment of Kentucky Fried Movie with Henry Silva as the host of a rather more vulgar In Search Of knock-off. Good times.

This is apparently released to theaters…well, maybe just drive-ins. I still think that was a better era for movies.

  • kgb_san_diego

    The World’s Most Treasured Story?

    Really, Mr. Buchanan? Even for you, that is stretching it too far…

  • Rock Baker

    Small correction, that segment was in AMAZON WOMEN ON THE MOON, not THE KENTUCKY FRIED MOVIE.

  • OT: A teaser trailer for the new Toho Godzilla has popped up on line. Look up GODZILLA MINUS ONE. There might be a full trailer tomorrow. The movie itself is coming to America December 1, though in how many theaters I don’t know.

  • Gamera977

    I would so watch the monster as Jack the Ripper in the London Bridge movie with David Hasselhoff and Adrienne Barbeau…

  • 🐻 bgbear_rnh

    I am hopeful. For me most of the charm of Godzilla is that it is Japanese produced.

  • I like the American Godzilla series, but from what I’ve seen this has the potential to be much better. Shin Godzilla itself was much better.