Monster of the Day #3432

In this case, the movie is at least…OK? Decent? So the poster isn’t *that* much better. However, uh…..  I don’t know, something just seems a little off.

Happy Friday Eve, folks!

  • I’d call it problematic, like a lot of really low budget monster movies are. The monster bits are fun and it holds together better than, say, Godmonster of Indian Flats, but it could have used more money thrown at it. And with one sequence even the token effort for day-for-night.

  • I can’t tell if that tree is recoiling in horror from the monster or the people in the water.

  • Gamera977

    Treebeard is embarrassed to be involved in this movie….

  • 🐻 bgbear_rnh

    I feel I have seen this and can’t recall one thing about it.

  • If it helps, it’s the one with the stop motion plesiosaur that fights a bulldozer at the end. That’ how I always remembered it.

  • YouTube has it up for free.

  • 🐻 bgbear_rnh

    gee, I apparently even have the rifftrax version in my library. I’ll watch it again.

  • Gamera977

    Okay I watched this sucka! Not bad, not bad at all. The plesiosaur was pretty decent. And the stop-motion animation used for it was pretty good. Of course I grew up on ‘Land of the Lost’ and I’m comparing the animation to that.

    Biggest gripe to me was the two obnoxious bumbling yokals. Yeah, I know having two actors make fools of themselves is cheaper than monster action. But they could have filmed more footage of Sherriff Sideburns finding evidence on what type of critter they were facing.

  • Eric Hinkle

    I recall seeing ‘The Crater Lake Monster’ on TV long ago, and all I can remember from it is the two bungling hillbillies. Man did they stink up the screen.