Jabootu's Bad Movie Dimension

Monster of the Day #1668

Not the finest artist in terms of technique, but man, he sure lards in the elements. Also, I’d be intrigued to see Santo take on Japanese Blacula.

Monster of the Day #1667

Boy, that artist has really captured the excitement of ladies’, uh, wrestling. Strom Thurmond in his Fabio period looks on in amazement.

Monster of the Day #1663

Another artifact that plays off how weirdly (or not) disconcerting and frightening house cats can be. The cover is helped immensely by the Neil Adams art, as a more cartoony style wouldn’t… Read Article →

Monster of the Day #1661

Some of you may have noticed we were suffering domain name issues yesterday. Of course this immediately motivated me to pathetically bleat for help from Jabootu’s resident superhero Carina Magyar, who quickly… Read Article →

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