Jabootu's Bad Movie Dimension

Monster of the Day #1094

OK, so we finished up our B-Fest monsters yesterday, due to the monster famine in the line-up’s second half. So let’s move on. This is the third of Toho’s interesting, Hammer-influenced ‘Vampire’… Read Article →

Monster of the Day #1093

Forgot this one! It played between Frogs and Plan 9. Again, though, after Yongary there were no more monsters for the Fest’s final half.

Monster of the Day #1092

Unsurprisingly, I considered posting some of the other ghouls from Plan 9, but decided to hold them in reserve for B-Fests to come. Here’s the Fest’s final monster, from Korea’s extremely weird… Read Article →

Monster of the Day #1087

Here are some rather adorable looking sand snake puppets, although like everything in Metalstorm (including Tim Thomerson), they were rather inertly used. As they bit the legs of the hero and Thomerson–introduced… Read Article →

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