Jabootu's Bad Movie Dimension

Monster of the Day #3002

The ’80s really were the last heyday for practical effects monsters. As noted yesterday, I haven’t seen TerrorVision, but this thing was apparently huge and required several people to operate it. Although… Read Article →

Monster of the Day #3000

Stuart Gordon has passed away. I’m getting up there, so I remember when filmmakers from the ’40s and ’50s started dying, now it’s people remembered from the ’80s. I never really felt… Read Article →

Monster of the Day #2098

I hope everyone is well! Did Warren takes adds for these, considering they were highlighting a competitors products? Power Records went pretty heavy on the monster thing, including the super-hero issues they… Read Article →

Monster of the Day #2097

OK, that’s got to be Mike Ploog. I checked (after Cullen Waters noted the same thing yesterday, credit to him), and unsurprisingly several (all?) of the Power Records performances can be found… Read Article →

Monster of the Day #2096

Doughty FoJ Michael C suggested monster-related covers from this fun series. I’m sure my demographic will remember Power Records, which at one point dramatized like radio plays Marvel comics stories, including issues… Read Article →

Monster of the Day #2095

Talk about rip-offs! (Actually, Jones came before Carter, who Marvel also had the license for. Jones was before his time, I guess.) Have a great and more important safe weekend, everyone.

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