Jabootu's Bad Movie Dimension

Monster of the Day #846

This is probably my last mammoth, because there’s really a sad dearth of things like this in movies. I know the (then) Sci-Fi Channel did a Mammoth movie once. Stills are surprisingly… Read Article →

Monster of the Day #845

Here are some still from 1952’s (justifiably) obscure The Jungle, starring Rod Cameron, Marie Windsor and Cesar Romero. Despite the recognizable cast, this is a real snoozefest, the sort of deal where… Read Article →

Monster of the Day #843

Oddly, on the entire Interwebs I couldn’t find a good Seaview / Godzilla mash-up. However, here’s one that every monster kids wonders about until they hit the age where they understand intellectual… Read Article →

Still around…

Sorry about yesterday. I worked Saturday, and had yesterday off as I started B-Fest ‘break’ (which really isn’t a break until the Fest itself and then my time off afterward), so yesterday… Read Article →

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