This is supposed to call to mind Batman, I’m sure…

…but, I don’t know, it reminds of something else. Can’t quite put my finger on it, though.

  • bgbear_rnh

    it is odd, I saw part of the original version awhile ago on TCM and the philosophy was a little more clear and Christian. In the 50s they were already trying to be a little more PC?

  • Reed

    These oblique discussion frequently lose me. Is it some kind of rule that people don’t actual mention movie names?
    Is this a motorcycle helmet designed to look like Batman’s cowl (which is actually a pretty cool and incredibly marketable idea) or is this a movie prop?

  • Gamera977

    Well, there is a certain resemblance to the fiendish lord of bad cinema…

  • bgbear_rnh

    For me it is kind of an “anti-spoiler” or not trying to explain Ken’s joke for him. Each reader should be able to discover the reference themselves IMNTBHO.

  • sandra

    Actually it reminds me of The Geek In PULP FICTION.

  • Reed

    I’ll let that pass without further discussion.
    However, I will say it never occurred to me to associate the Bat-helmet wtih Jabootu, because the helmet is pretty damn cool. I would totally wear that. Right up until some sport bike riding hooligan stole it from me. Damn sport bike riding hooligans. :(

  • Ken_Begg

    Wait, are you saying Jabootu *isn’t cool*?!

  • bgbear_rnh

    are you saying Jabootu is not cool? ;)

  • bgbear_rnh


  • Rodford Smith

    The Sacred Cowl?

  • Gamera977

    Jabootu is so cool I have to wear a Snuggie TM when visiting this site just to keep warm…