Jabootu's Bad Movie Dimension

Monster of the Day #3220

Few monsters this year. Sandy followed Horror and Hamsters with The Battles of Chief Pontiac (1952), a cheapie pre-American Revolution epic with Lon Chaney Jr as the titular, peace-seeking American Indian. There’s… Read Article →

Monster of the Day #3219

We opened this year’s spring T-Fest with The Brute Man, a neat efficient semi-horror starring the tragic Rondo Hatton.  Next we got our first monster film, the extremely weird anthology flick Horror… Read Article →

Monster of the Day #3217

So, anyway, T(ween) Fest 2021. A roaring success, in that we had basically everyone return (who was just regularly available) after cancelling one event last year and having limited attendance–for obvious reasons–last… Read Article →

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