Monster of the Day #3296

OK, off to Texas this afternoon. So no MoTD until next Wednesday or Thursday, when I get back. I hope to see some of you this weekend. Have fun, everyone.

Great movie, by the way.

  • Well made, true.

    But still, it could have all been taken care of if the housekeeper had just said “Look, the kids are just about over what happened with their former governess. Please don’t ask them about it; I’ll tell you all you need to know. And as you can see, this is a huge, empty house. You would do well to invite the neighbors over quite a bit to liven the place up. You’ll want to get to know them, and they’ll want to get to know you, anyway. At least invite the vicar over for tea every two weeks or so….”

    That’s a problem of the source material, though.

  • Eric Hinkle

    Travel safely and have fun, Mr. Begg!