Monster of the Day #3292

Happy Halloween, everyone!

This weekend watch something spooky–stupid is optional. Remember if you want a theater experience that Fathom Events will be showing The Invisible Man and The Wolf Man as a double bill nationwide tomorrow afternoon. Enjoy!

  • Beckoning Chasm

    My guess would be that this photo is heavily doctored. The level of grain is much finer on the masks than the children. Still, it’s a good match and well-done.
    I started watching “Psycho Goreman” and will probably finish that this weekend.

  • Gamera977

    Yeap, looks like a bad photoshop.

    Still it’s a cool photo!

    I’ve got a couple of horror computer games I’ve been planning on playing all month but still haven’t gotten around to them yet- ‘The Park’ which is only about two hours and ‘Dread Out’ which is much longer.

  • We are having our annual Hallowversary Party, which for a rarity is actually on our anniversary. This year’s movie theme is “Bad Movies Based on Books”, which really means just about anything if you squint. I thought about insisting that “Tha Apple” is technically based on the books of Genesis and Revelation, but I’ve already subjected the gang to that one.

  • Last weekend I gave myself a very fun Joe Dante marathon.

  • Eric Hinkle

    Talking silly if not spooky, has anyone else heard about the remake of West Side Story, released by Disney and directed by Spielberg, that’s going to be released this December?

  • Ken_Begg

    Hard to see that working, especially after the disastrous showing of In the Heights, but maybe Spielberg will pull it off. I honestly don’t see what the audience is for this, though.