Monster of the Day #731

‘Nuff said!

  • Flangepart

    Ah, DaiKaiju Baran! Nice DvD of that baby. Sure, the plot is normal, and the humans are…furniture, as Joe Bob Briggs likes to call them, but a cool monster none the less.

  • Eric Hinkle

    Varan the Unbelievable! So good to see that he’s not forgotten.

  • Rock Baker

    I finally got to see the American cut of VARAN THE UNBELIEVABLE and it’s a better film, I think. The human story is much more engaging, and seeing how the Japanese footage was re-arranged is pretty interesting. Sadly, the film cries out for a non-existent widescreen release.

  • Rock Baker

    There they are, right up top, Kyle and Pop (the OTHER Rick Baker)!

  • Rock Baker

    I guess I should note, with this one the idea was to re-create the original suit as closely as possible. Even made the translucent spikes the same way Toho did way back in the 50’s.

  • Flangepart

    I was pre-teen when I last say VARAN, yet I still looked forward to when Varan smashed down the P-2V Neptune ASW plane, that’s how much that shot stayed with me.
    Too bad the didn’t have both versions on the DvD, the way Sony did with the Godzilla series.

  • Rock Baker

    Yeah, I was also irked by Tokyo Shock’s half-hearted release of FRANKENSTEIN CONQUERS THE WORLD. I really wish they’d gone to more effort to find a complete print of the AIP version. And if a TV print is the only full print anyone can get their hands on, it’s better than nothing!

  • Flangepart

    Still, I loved their release of GAPPA. The original Japanese theme music is WAY cooler than the U.S. print.

  • Gamera977

    That’s just awesome!!!

  • Rock Baker

    Granted, although I wish they’d included the AIP-TV titles, and left the Japanese titles un-obscured. All in all, though, a far superior release than the others out there.