Ah, DaiKaiju Baran! Nice DvD of that baby. Sure, the plot is normal, and the humans are…furniture, as Joe Bob Briggs likes to call them, but a cool monster none the less.
Eric Hinkle
Varan the Unbelievable! So good to see that he’s not forgotten.
Rock Baker
I finally got to see the American cut of VARAN THE UNBELIEVABLE and it’s a better film, I think. The human story is much more engaging, and seeing how the Japanese footage was re-arranged is pretty interesting. Sadly, the film cries out for a non-existent widescreen release.
Rock Baker
There they are, right up top, Kyle and Pop (the OTHER Rick Baker)!
Rock Baker
I guess I should note, with this one the idea was to re-create the original suit as closely as possible. Even made the translucent spikes the same way Toho did way back in the 50’s.
I was pre-teen when I last say VARAN, yet I still looked forward to when Varan smashed down the P-2V Neptune ASW plane, that’s how much that shot stayed with me.
Too bad the didn’t have both versions on the DvD, the way Sony did with the Godzilla series.
Rock Baker
Yeah, I was also irked by Tokyo Shock’s half-hearted release of FRANKENSTEIN CONQUERS THE WORLD. I really wish they’d gone to more effort to find a complete print of the AIP version. And if a TV print is the only full print anyone can get their hands on, it’s better than nothing!
Still, I loved their release of GAPPA. The original Japanese theme music is WAY cooler than the U.S. print.
That’s just awesome!!!
Rock Baker
Granted, although I wish they’d included the AIP-TV titles, and left the Japanese titles un-obscured. All in all, though, a far superior release than the others out there.