Superhero Movies: 2008 Release Dates

By the way, here are updated release dates for some of the big superhero movies in 2008:  The Incredible Hulk, June 13th; The Dark Knight (sequel to Batman Begins), July 18th, and Hellboy 2: The Golden Army, Aug 1st.

  • The Rev. D.D.

    Wow, that’s a lot of update posts…did you go snow-crazy?
    Hope you’re staying warm, Mr. Begg.

    I’m actually a bit surprised at the Hellboy sequel. This has managed to slip under my radar, and honestly I didn’t know if the first one did well enough to warrant a sequel, my love for it notwithstanding. I guess I should’ve taken it as a good sign that the lady of the house liked it when she watched it with me, that perhaps people who weren’t hardcore fans of the comic could still have fun with it.
    From what I’ve found out, it sounds like a lot of “classical” mythological critters (goblins, elves, fairies, etc.) will feature in it, the main cast is back, and my second-favorite character from the first film will apparently have a part to play as well. I look forward to it.