The full comic sci-fi series (kind of like MST3K sans the movies and as more of a traditional sitcom) on 18 discs is available today only for $60, 70% off the admittedly loony $200 MSRP.  Good stuff. Set includes all eight seasons and 24 hours (!) of extras.

  • BeckoningChasm

    I’d buy it, but I have to finish my piping hot gazpacho soup.

  • GalaxyJane

    Although not actually complete, despite the name, the recent “Back to Earth” is not included. YMMV, but I thought that they did a great job on that, even down to being able to ignore any continuity questions with the references to the mythical (in our ficton) seasons 9 and 10.

    Just FYI, the entire series including Back to Earth is available streaming on Netflix. Sadly, having a Roku box to watch streaming video on my TV is very quickly putting an end to me buying much of anything on physical media.

  • Well, that blows! Thanks for the info, Jane!

  • Rock Baker

    My favorite bit remains the scene where Rimmer explains that wars are won by whichever side has the shortest haircut.

  • GalaxyJane

    Which would actually explain a lot about the performance of he Dutch army in the Balkans.

    Personally, I adore the awful earworm of the Rimmerworld theme song.

  • Toby Clark

    My favourite will always be “Everybody’s Dead Dave!”

    Also, the scene in the first episode where Holister confronts Lister about his cat.

    Lister: Sir, just suppose… suppose if I had a cat, what would you do with Frankenstein?
    Captain Hollister: I’d send it down to the medical bay and have it cut up and run tests on it.
    Lister: Would you put the cat together again?
    Captain Hollister: Lister, the cat would be dead.
    Lister: With all due respect sir, what’s in it for the cat?