News in Brief….

Processing the New York Times Magazine this morning, I see a cover story blurb: “The Sex Over-50 Problem.”

I haven’t read the article, but surely this sums up its findings: “Yes, stop that, it’s gross.”

  • It’s a fact!

    Old people like doing it!

    It’s a fact!


  • Well there goes Michael Douglas’ Saturday night plans.

  • Over 50 what? 50 times a week? I can’t see that as being a problem.

  • It depends on who we’re talking about. If the sex were with, say, Isabelle Huppert or Rene Russo, I wouldn’t have any problem at all. Nope.

  • Yeah, but pretty soon you end up watching the Golden Girls cracking sex jokes all the time.


    [Insert obligatory Basic Instinct 2: Risk Addition joke here.]

  • What Sharon’s only 48, she should know she’s been 48 for the last four years.

  • twitterpate

    Well, I can see that the media would have a problem with this. After all, they’ve come up with a version of the meaning of life that can be summed up in two sentences.

    1. Sex is the most, the ONLY important thing in life.

    2. Only physically perfect people can, or at least should, have sex.

    The goal, I suspect, is to have everyone so insecure that we’ll then buy whatever they’re selling.