Charlie St. Cloud…

Although it looks more like Charlie White Cloud, if you know what I mean.  Is it just me?  The commercials for this look awful.  I especially like how they include clips of Zac Effron (he’s the guy from Scrubs, right?) playing ball with Casper there, but also showcase his abs.  Dreamy!

Actually, the film’s stock has in fact skyrocketed on  It’s now up to 22% positive, whereas yesterday it was at 8%.  The critics speak:

—  A touching and heartfelt examination of — OMG!!! Zac just took his shirt off!!!

–Perhaps no haunted, grieving character in the history of cinema has had his abs lingered over as much as Efron here.

–a melodramatic and hopelessly disorganized feature-length episode of CBS’s “The Ghost Whisperer”

–Some bad movies should carry a leper’s bell to warn off ticket buyers. Such a contagion is Charlie St. Cloud, a load of mawkish swill starring Zac Efron.

–Efron cries tears the way a cheerleader waves pom-poms.

–Even at his lowest points Charlie appears ready to audition for a skin-care or Calvin Klein commercial.

–The sappy script is a disservice to the naturally effervescent Efron, whose character is so mopey he makes Robert Pattinson seem like a song-and-dance man.

–The surreal thing is, Zac Efron can’t do despair. He plays it by staring. Blankly. And by not smiling. Blankly.

–The picture is a declawed mess, begging for tears in the end. I hope the filmmakers are willing to accept puzzled looks instead.

  • BeckoningChasm

    I…wait, what? Is this a show, or a movie, or a Noh play? Having to do with ghosts? Maybe?

    I’ve never heard anything about this. Not that I am, now, interested in seeing it, as apparently it’s quite bad.

  • BC — It’s getting saturation TV commercials coverage here (although now that it’s actually out, that will cease), which I know is rampant because I don’t even watch much TV and I’ve seen like two dozen commercials for it.

  • BeckoningChasm

    Ah. See, for around a decade or so, I haven’t had TV of any kind, cable or broadcast. So I’m spared a number of tortures.

  • monoceros4

    “…I haven’t had TV of any kind, cable or broadcast.”

    Who needs TV for entertainment when I can be entertained by people who make a point of bragging about not owning a TV?

  • BeckoningChasm

    Oh, I own a TV. And I’m not really sure what I said qualifies as “bragging.” Ken mentioned the spate of commercials, I mentioned why I didn’t see them. Seems kind of simple to me, but you know, different strokes and all that.

  • I concur. I’m not sure how a simple statement of fact constitutes ‘bragging.’ I myself said I don’t watch a lot of TV, and that wasn’t bragging, it was just true. I watch most of my stuff, including my TV shows, on DVD. (And the cable company finally removed the channels I wasn’t paying for, so that includes from now on The Venture Bros. and Futurama.) I watch some Discovery Channel stuff, some Food Network stuff, and generally check out whats on TCM. That’s about it for ‘live’ TV watching, and I don’t have any recording capacity, not even a VCR.

    Luckily, any show that lasts long enough that I’d want to check it out generally comes out on DVD. Justified, for instance. I’ll catch that on disc.

  • Gamera

    Guess I’m lucky that I have no idea what Ken was talking about. And I don’t have the guts to do a web search to find out.

    I suppose maybe because I watch mostly different channels from Ken I’ve been blessed to never have seen the commercial. In fact it seems like 90% of the ones I see are for auto insurance. Though I do love the new Capital One commercial with the barbarians at the movie lot. When their leader sees the guys dressed like legionaries and screams “ROMANS, GET ‘EM!!!” I laugh everytime.

    So, I’m easily amused…..

  • Rock Baker

    I think I’ve been much happier since I cancelled my boradcasts (had a couple of local stations for a bit, but I refused to by one of those digital converter boxes) and just retired to my ever-expanding (I’ve been blessed by having people donate their video tapes to me instead of just throwing them away, and it would’ve been such a waste. Those tapes have plenty of life left in them!) collection of videos, DVDs, film, and laserdiscs (no beta though, weird isn’t it?). One thing that’s made me a lot happier is that I’m no longer under constant fire from commercials for Geiko, E-harmony, or that dopey Smilin’ Bob. That alone is worth not having the History Channel. I couldn’t even watch things like TV Land since they’d started removing credit sequences and flashing commercials across the bottom half of the screen during the show. I don’t think this is a brag, though I have to admit I have a lot more fun looking at television now.

  • P Stroud

    Saturation promotion is a bad sign. Or more exactly a near guarantee of craphood. Avoid this like the plague until you hear from some guines pigs who plopped their simoleans down.

  • Terrahawk

    Saw the trailer before Inception or Salt, can’t remember which. Let’s just say the trailer was boring. It didn’t help that based on the trailer you know the entire story. The girl better be really hot if you go with her to see it. Otherwise, it’s time to break up.

  • Petoht

    Zac Effron’s the twit from High School Musical. The dude from Scrubs was Zach Braff, so this is probably him hoping to be a heart throb to girls who are actually legal, as opposed to HSM’s target demo.

  • Pip

    “–Efron cries tears the way a cheerleader waves pom-poms.”


    Just sayin’

    And it is too a sport.

  • Mr. Rational

    Petoht: Don’t know if he’s a twit. He did get some good notices for “Me and Orson Welles.” But yeah, as the face of Disney’s most popular (and annoying) TV film franchise, he has a LOT to make up for. Plus, this movie looks like a bad idea incarnate, and not the good kind of bad idea. (By the way, I suspect this is what BeckoningChasm meant…because otherwise the idea of saying on a bad movie review site that a movie is too bad for you to go see sounds kinda silly…)

    Efron seems like a decent enough kid, and I say that as someone who has had more of his work foisted on me than I’d care to.* He’s the kind of guy who could have a long career in light, sweet comedies — y’know, moving from teens “I’m cool but sensitive” roles to twenties “Need to find my place in the sky” flicks to those thirties-and-early-forties films where the theme always seems to be “Have everything but love.” He should probably stick to that career arc.

    * I have a little cousin. She loves Disney. She ESPECIALLY loves “High School Musical.” I have seen every one of those movies multiple times. Jabootu, save my soul.

  • BeckoningChasm

    Mr. Rational – aye, I meant “bad” as in “painful to watch,” not bad as in “entertainingly miss the mark.”

  • Mr. Rational

    BC: I figured it was. :)

  • John Campbell

    Gamera – the guy who played “Ogre” in the Revenge of the Nerds movies is in the cap one barbarian commercials.

    Those are some very funny commercials.