Neato Amazon sale on Universal ’50s sci-fi…

I realize this is pointless, because you all AREADY OWN THIS SET.  Right?  Right?

However, maybe you want to buy a spare copy, just in case, or buy one for a friend.  In any case, $35 (42% off the MSRP and free shipping to boot!) now buys you ten wonderful movies in beautiful presentations:  Tarantula, The Mole People, The Incredible Shrinking Man, The Monolith Monsters, Monster on the Campus, Dr. Cyclops, Cult of the Cobra, The Land Unknown, The Deadly Mantis and The Leech Woman.  There’s not a movie there that’s not worth $3.50, which frankly is probably cheaper than it would cost to rent them from Netflix, and then you’d own them.

This isn’t a Mill Creek set.  A number of the movies (Monolith Monsters, Monster on the Campus, Dr. Cyclops, The Land Unknown) are really good.  And Incredible Shrinking Man is one of the ten best sci-fi movies of that decade, which is actually saying something.

You won’t be disappointed.

  • Rock Baker

    I think you’re the first guy I’ve ever seen, other than Pop and myself, who supports The Land Unknown as a “really good” movie. Most folk can’t get past the dinosaurs being sub par. Weird proportions out of the way, I thought they had some good points. The carnosaur had some great texture in close-ups, along with blinking eyes and a bad case of the sniffles -you usually don’t see that level of detail on movie dinosaurs. Even if one doesn’t like the monsters, Land Unknown is still a fun adventure flick. And I think it was one of the first films like this that was offered in letterbox back in the laserdisc days.

  • I love the Land Unknown. Really, if you asked me to pick one quintessential ’50s sci-fi movie, that might be it. (Monster on the Campus would be the main contender.)

  • Rock Baker

    A quintessential 50s sci-fi movie? I think I’d have to go with Tarantula. Or maybe Monolith Monsters. Possibly the Incredible Shrinking Man, but Monster on the Campus is a good choice too.

    Man, Universal International made some of the best stuff in this field!

  • BeckoningChasm

    Well, hate to differ, but to me, The Incredible Shrinking Man is not only one of the best ’50’s science fiction pictures, but one of the most poetic films ever put up on screen. That film alone is worth the money for this set. The other films are a bonus.

  • The Rev. D.D.

    I think The Land Unknown was my first dinosaur movie, and I really liked it back then. That T-Rex, and the plesiosaur, scared the hell out of me. Last time I caught it, I thought it held up pretty darn well; of course, I’m exceedingly forgiving of man-in-suit and prop monster technology, but as said above, they’re really not bad. I’m surprised to hear this one considered not that good, really.

    That, Monolith Monsters, and The Incredible Shrinking Man, are most definitely worth it all by themselves; the rest are gravy, either as fine films or as amusing stinkers.