Room at the Cartoon Network…

Very weird experience last night.

I think I’ve mentioned before that there are some of us at work who do a monthly Movie Night–we have dinner, then in a rotation we each pick a movie to watch (there are six of us, so we each ‘host’ twice annually), generally at my place. March was my month, and I really wanted to show two movies. So last Thursday night I made them pick up food on the way to my place instead of eating out, and showed both Black Dynamite and The Room, which I had just seen for the first time at B-Fest in January. My friend John opined that it was the best Movie Night in years.

Cut to last night. I had the Cartoon Network on, and was going to watch Robot Chicken at 11:00 PM and then go to sleep. Instead, and very oddly, since that show hasn’t been on for a long time, a Space Ghost Coast to Coast episode started. Then SG’s interview screen came down, and I was like, “Man, that looks like The Room’s Tommy Wiseau.” AND IT WAS!!

I guess for April Fool’s Day (although The Room is entirely worthy of being shown on the Cartoon Network), they played the film, with Wiseau (Whizz-zu, is how his name is pronounced) starring in bumpers during the commercial breaks. He has the same hair, and laughed the same laugh, and had even more problems with speaking English than he does in the movie. It was a trip.

  • Rob U

    Oh HI, coincidence!

  • BeckoningChasm

    Man, he seems kind of drunk. Also, he really is clueless about the level of quality of the film. The bit where all three of SG’s guys talk about how bad and “unwatchable” The Room is was hilarious, his “Hey, really?” reaction was the icing.

  • Oh boy, The Room again. “Yay”.