Jerry O’Connell joins cast of Piranha 3-D…

…along with a girl from Gossip Girls, because it’s a law that every horror movie now has to have somebody from a WB/CW show in it.

On the one hand, I’m not a huge Jerry O’Connell fan. On the other, we’ll probably get to see Jerry O’Connell eaten alive by prehistoric 3-D piranhas. So we have that working for us.

The actors join previous cast members Elizabeth Shue (how’s that Oscar working for ya?), Ving Rhames and the puckishly cast Richard Dreyfuss.

  • Ericb

    At least O’Connell is over 30, I’m so sick of lead protagonists who are barely out of puberty.

  • I hear that. Shue, Rhames, Dreyfuss, O’Connell, etc.

  • Pip

    O’Connell of Tomcats fame? I would mind seeing him get narfed.

  • Grumpy

    All in a day’s work for Ultraman.