Steven Seagal and vampires!

Quite a long time ago now Seagal was set to star in a movie called Submerged, in which he would face monsters or zombies or something on a submarine. Somebody (presumably Seagal himself) didn’t like the idea, and–from what I hear–the monster angle was basically dropped by the time the film went right to video shelves.

However, one can only assume the portly ‘katana master’ no longer has any such shame, for he is starring in a blatant I Am Legend meets Blade rip-off.

Needless to say, I WILL see this movie.

  • Ericb

    Maybe he’ll use his energy drinks instead of holy water the ward the vampires off.

  • bt

    Is there some rule that his film titles (at least the bad ones) have to contain 3 words? And dear lord, is he slowing down.

    For some reason, whenever I see him slooowly beating someone up, I’m reminded of this:


  • bt
  • The fact that such a thing nearly exists fills me with glee.

  • BeckoningChasm

    It shames me to admit, as a long-time Jabootuite, that I’ve never seen a Steven Seagal film.

    Is his acting always this bad? I mean, even in the trailer, in which he says maybe eight words, he just comes across as uninvolved.

  • bt

    I thought Under Siege was a very good movie, but even in that, I’m not sure you can say Seagal’s “acting” was much better than wooden.

  • Have you seen the poster/box cover for Against the Dark? Seagal’s face is so rotund and distended that they can’t airbrush it back into shape anymore.