Spot Sale: Arrested Development 74% off…

Until supplies run out, the complete Arrested Development is selling at Amazon for $29, rather than the $110 MSRP.  That’s tasty!  Now, I assume everyone already owns this (boo on you if you don’t!), but that’s a great gift to give someone who never caught the show.


  • Last night, purely by chance, I was looking at how much the seasons of this show cost because it’s one of those shows I’ve wanted to get on DVD, but kept on forgetting. Imagine my surprise when I went to Amazon and saw the entire kit and caboodle for $30.

    Quick question: if I click on another product link here on Jabootu, but buy a different product and not the one you linked to, do you still benefit?

  • Yes, sir. Anything you buy (including third party stuff) I get credit for if you buy it directly after using any one of my links to go to Amazon. So thanks!