Sci-fi horror triple bill in Chicago on Saturday…

Us, Godzilla vs. the Sea Monster and Horror of Dracula this Saturday (the 29th) at the gorgeous restored Portage Theater, starting at 6:00. Admission is ten smackers for the whole shebang.

By the way, I’m considering sponsoring a triple bill myself next summer next year, maybe in May.  Giant Claw seems a good bet, but I’m mulling over titles.  Anyway who wants to come to the show and keep me from entirely losing my shirt is welcome.  I’d say a hundred people would probably about put us at the break even point.

  • It’s a shame I can’t easily get to Chicago, otherwise I’d come to your show.

  • Yikes! $30 for 3 movies??

  • fish eye no miko

    Damn.. I live too far away to do that.

    I wish some place here in Tucson would show cool/cheesy monster movies. The local art theater showed Gojira in ’04 (the 50th anniversary), but that’s about it. )-:

  • Ooops! Ten dollars for all three films! Yikes!

  • Ah, thanks for clearing that up, Ken.

  • Thanks for pointing it out!

  • JR

    I moved to Chicago about a year ago and still haven’t managed to get over to the Portage.

    Am I likely to get mugged while waiting for the CTA after Horror of Dracula? I’m not familiar with the area.

  • It’s busy enough that the nearby city parking lot was filled after 10 the last time I went. The CTA stops seem to be on Milwaukee; it’s a fairly busy street. I’m not an expert on the city, but it seems pretty safe.

    This wouldn’t be JR Jenks, would it?

  • JR

    Nope, not JR Jenks. Thanks for the info. I’d guess from what I know that Uptown is probably the roughest area I’ll have to go through.

    I’m going to try to make it over for Godzilla at the very least. I missed seeing that one when I was a kid.