Super-mini-review: Choke

I’ve been watching this the last two nights in Chicago.  Frankly, I haven’t enjoyed it much.  Nobody else in the audience seemed to enjoy it much either.

The large cast is familiar, but they’ve all done much better work in the past.  It’s been frustrating to watch, truth to tell.  Also, I feel like I’ve seen it before.  Again, and again, and again, and again…

  • David

    Don’t give up on them yet.


    Just don’t give up.

  • Don’t give up on…who…I’m just…I’m just talking about a, a movie…not…oh…no…NO!! NOOOO!!! IT WASN’T A CHICKEN, IT WAS A BABY!!!

  • Years ago I read the book. That was more than enough to make me say “no thank you” to any sort of movie adaptation.

  • I find your M*A*S*H reference tiresome.

    Why have you spurned my phone calls? I’m completely rebuffed, you’ve hardly spoken to me since that last magical night in Texas, you CAD!

    You didn’t even call me for the debates. Whiskey Tango?



  • The Rev. D.D.

    I have no idea what the @#%5 is going on in these comments. Those references are going right over my head, and I feel confused and slightly logy.

  • BeckoningChasm

    So what IS this? A movie, or a play, or something? How come it takes two nights to only see part of it? Since you mention “audience” I’m thinking it isn’t a TV show…