Ixnay on Uffybay…

I said earlier I would post a link for the spot sale for the 40 disc complete seven season Buffy set, which was due to go on lightning sale on Amazon.

I don’t know how many they were selling, but at $90, the sets were all sold in three minutes.  I’ve never seen any item sell remotely that quickly.

  • sardu

    Wow. Oh well!

    Hey, I’m confused- for you to get the benefit from a sale does it have to be directly through a link to the thing itself or can it be anything as long as one enters Amazon through the link??

  • I get credit for anything bought after you click one of my links. I imagine I may get a slightly better rate (or maybe not) if someone buys that exact item, but really, if you click on a DVD link and then buy a flat screen TV or some mac & cheese, I get credit for those.

  • sardu

    Oh cool, I didn’t realize that. In that case, if you had a permanent link to Amazon on the home page I’d use it any time I was going to buy something.

  • sardu

    BTW, I realize one could just look back through the blog entries and find one and that’s no problem- the other would simply be a little more convenient.

  • I’ve sent a note to Chris Magyar, inquiring about how to add a permanent Amazon widget to the front page. Thanks again for ordering stuff through us! I really appreciate it.