Complete Arrested Development 60% off at Amazon…

…along with free shipping, natch.  $46.50 for all three seasons, against the $110 MSRP.  Thanks to BeckoningChasm for the word.

Humor is a personal thing, and so I can’t guarantee everyone will dig this show.  But man, I have loved few programs as well or deeply as I did this one. 

  • MarshallDog

    I didn’t watch the show because I couldn’t stand the characters or the way it was filmed- I think the shaky cam works good in a thriller or drama, but in comedy it feels out of place for me.

    That being said, it was well-written and far funnier than almost any other show on TV at the time (could probably say the same thing now) so it’s a shame it was canceled. It’s amazing what kind of dreck can succeed on television, when a show like Arrested Development, which clearly took a lot of hard work to develop, gets tossed aside.

    Thank the maker for DVDs!

  • Ericb

    I read today that they are thinking of making an AD movie.

  • BeckoningChasm

    I somewhat agree with MarshallDog, here. AD was one of the top ten funniest things I have ever seen, ever, but it didn’t have a single character on it who wasn’t a bastard.

    More than anything I think that’s why the show failed to find an audience big enough to support it–funny as it is, it’s hard watching unlikable characters interact for an extended length of time. There’s no one the audience can really get behind as a surrogate; even the lead character had a streak of cynical meanness to him that, well, wasn’t a mile wide but it was still pretty wide.

    Still, what can I say? I watch and I laugh so hard I hurt.

  • Jimmy

    I don’t know if I would call George Michael a bastard.

  • christian

    Normal people don’t have streaks of cynical meanness? Strange world most people live in

  • BeckoningChasm

    I’m sure “most people” do have streaks of cynical meanness. But they’re not characters on television.

  • Gristle McThornbody

    I bought the full series the last time Amazon had a deal on it and Ken posted it. I think it was the whole she-bang for $30; thanks Ken!!!

    At the time, I’d only seen two episodes, but I knew my wife liked it. Now, I think it’s one of the funniest shows I’ve ever seen.

    As far as people not watching the show because of “cynical meanness” of the characters – what about Seinfeld? It centered around four totally self-absorbed, cynical, un-likeable characters.