TCM honors Syndey Pollock tonight…

Turner Classics tips its hat to the recently deceased director tonight by running four of his films. (Times are EST.) I’m sure most or all of these are on DVD if you can’t watch them tonight.

Slender Thread (8:00 PM) Earnest ’60s social drama about a crisis hotline volunteer trying to keep a woman from committing suicide. Sydney Poitier, Anne Bancroft and Telly Savalas star.

3 Days of the Condor (10:00 PM) Now you’re talking. Simply terrific paranoid political suspenser from back in the days when they made these things well. Robert Redford, Max von Sydow.

Tootsie (12:00 midnight): She’s a man, baby! Comedy classic starring Dustin Hoffman.

Jeremiah Johnson (2:00 am): I saw this in the theater as a kid and have loved it ever since. Robert Redford plays a mountain man in this wilderness adventure. Great stuff.