Monster of the Day #3338
So we watched Gamera vs Guiron for the Watch Party, which was clearly a slam dunk. It was the Japanese language version, which isn’t any issue for me, but also in widescreen… Read Article →
So we watched Gamera vs Guiron for the Watch Party, which was clearly a slam dunk. It was the Japanese language version, which isn’t any issue for me, but also in widescreen… Read Article →
Looking for a quick, super cheapie ’50s monster flick on Amazon Prime? Well, there’s Man Beast. And hey, it’s only 67 minutes. On the other hand, it’s 67 Jerry Warren minutes. Amazon… Read Article →
Bill Jackson passed away the other day at the age of 86. That will be of import almost entirely to Chicago natives of a certain age–my age, to be exact. Back in… Read Article →
At 9:00 EST as usual. Anyone whose attended before will get an invite (which they may choose to ignore), but if you haven’t attended and you’d like to, send me your Amazon… Read Article →
By the ’50s gorillas-as-monsters were in decline. Luckily, there was just enough time for Ed Wood Jr to write a script for one, Bride of the Beast. And why yes, that is… Read Article →
Aside from the pretty good Dan Curtis / Jack Palance Dracula telemovie, there was the 1977 BBC production, Count Dracula, starring Louis Jourdan. It’s comparatively faithful to the novel, but obviously short… Read Article →
I guess we could ‘honor’ Peter Bogdanovich by showing Voyage to the Planet of the Prehistoric Women next week. It is another Jabootu subject. I remember it was kind of a slog–although… Read Article →
I wouldn’t show Beastmaster for a Watch Party because a) it’s a bit too good (or rather, cheesy but not QUITE cheesy enough), and more important b) it’s too long, running about… Read Article →
Speaking of Amazon Prime (from Monday), I was worried for a while because they seemed to be dumping all their old schlock just when we started doing Watch Parties, leaving me to… Read Article →
At the opposite end of the spectrum from yesterday’s (presumably) low-budget practical effect driven monster movie, there was lots of theoretically cool cameos–he fights the Iron Giant!–in (which I completely forget) Steven… Read Article →