Monster of the Day #3357
Return of Dr X (in no way a sequel to Dr. X) led to Showdown in Little Tokyo. I remember not liking it much way back in the day–maybe because of the… Read Article →
Return of Dr X (in no way a sequel to Dr. X) led to Showdown in Little Tokyo. I remember not liking it much way back in the day–maybe because of the… Read Article →
Great B-Fest line-up (all the youngsters stayed away because of, presumably, the ‘Rona, so no huge percentage of recent films, as they were picked by the old far contingent of the traditional… Read Article →
Rock raised a valid point; is Jan in the Pan a monster? I think she falls under the “would eight year-old Ken think it’s a monster” rule. However, she is clearly more… Read Article →
OK, I’m more or less recovered from having guests in (in various and ever changing amounts) for 12 days straight, two 24 hour events on back to back weekends, having my sleep… Read Article →
The Slime People. Coming to an Amazon Watch party near you soon. I mean…c’mon, of course it is.
Happy Valentine’s Day, everyone! I haven’t seen it, but if I’m remembering correctly Cemetary Man is a love story about a guy who goes to zany lengths to protect his zombie girlfriend.*… Read Article →
Looking for an Alien knock-off to watch this weekend. There’s the dystopian future serial killer/monster hybrid pic Split Second. Bonus, it stars Rutger Hauer. If you want a Hauer double bill, Amazon… Read Article →
I apologize for all the terrifying dreams you guys have after viewing this. Anyway, being an astute crowd, several of you noticed Jabootu subject The Howling II: Your Sister is a Werewolf,… Read Article →
I don’t know anything about this movie, 1999’s The Killer Eye (was Charles Band still making films in 1999?), but given the big hilarious Giant Eye prop, I might have to give… Read Article →
So for the Watch Party we watched–if not understood–a ’70s ‘arty’ campy (I think) horror movie (kinda) called Alabama’s Ghost. Here’s the discussion that ensued afterward: