Monster of the Day #3381

Yay, Skellingtons!

Uhm, is that coffin buried to code?

  • Beckoning Chasm

    I think we’ve seen this one before? It looks very familiar, but then again, a lot of these horror comic covers probably used the same tropes over and over again.

  • 🐻 bgbear_rnh

    Tom Stewart did not kill me!

  • I would like someone to come up with a rational answer to how all these undead can get out of their coffins, which, even if they are made of cheap wood, are usually under six feet of packed earth…

  • Dorothy Cobb

    Well, with vampires there was the idea that they could transform into mist, or send out their astral bodies.

  • thunderclancat

    I’m telling you, you cheap out on the funeral services, and this is what happens. Sad.

  • Depends on the Undead. The Traditional Zombie, for instance, was dug out of the grave by the bokor who made it, for instance. As Dorothy stated, some Vampires could go mist shape. And so on and so forth.

    But ignoring those, what you have is a supernatural creature who has no need for food or air with a lot of time on its hands and no TV Tropes to distract it.

  • Eric Hinkle

    The coffins here look like they were hardly buried at all. That cemetery gets much cheaper, they’ll just toss the stiffs over the fence, drape some canvas over them and call it a day.

  • Gamera977

    Yeah, it’s been used before. I remember the skull masks and the meaty ankles and feet. Seems the story was about some guys in costume attempting to gaslight the young lady.