Monster of the Day #3462
No “joke” today, just a great cover. Pick up the first Basement Fest attendee from the airport tonight. 10 days of craziness and activity. That’s a lot for me.
No “joke” today, just a great cover. Pick up the first Basement Fest attendee from the airport tonight. 10 days of craziness and activity. That’s a lot for me.
“My beaker!” Sure, they gave him the brain of a man. However, it was the brain of a media influencer. So…..
“Whoa, dude, you’ve got a lot of tension here.” Happy Monday, everyone. Posting may be intermittent over the next two weeks, as we’ll be having some of you folks in this weekend… Read Article →
Well, I’m not sure strangling is the biggest concern. Personally, the “man-eating” thing would come a bit higher on my list. Happy Friday, everyone. Watch something stupid this weekend. In fact, come… Read Article →
Finally, that Manos Hands of Fate / Blood Beast Terror mash-up we’ve all been waiting for all our lives. Happy Friday Eve, everyone! Watch Party tomorrow.
You know the deal. Friday at 9:00 EST / 8:00 CT. After that no Watch Party for three weeks because of Basement Fest and then B-Fest. Hope to see you there!
“Honey? Do you know where the batteries for the remote got to?” “IN THE BATTERY DRAWER, JACKASS! CAN’T I TAKE A NAP ONE DAY?! Oh, GREAT, now Gregor’s up and I’ll have… Read Article →
Holding auditions to play for one of Cab Calloway’s Betty Boop cartoons. Heidi-heidi-heidi-hi…
(This is Monday’s MotD, but I’m posting it early because it’s time sensitive.) I went to see Godzilla Minus One Minus Color last night, thinking it would be a neat alternate version… Read Article →
“*Gasp, choke* Why, you don’t look like your Tinder* picture at all!” (*Tinder’s a dating thing, right? I probably shouldn’t try to do social media jokes.) Watch Party next week. That will… Read Article →