Watch Party tonight!

Join us, won’t you? We’ll be watching a fun one tonight.

  • 🐻 bgbear_rnh

    Fun for whom?

  • Beckoning Chasm

    Tonight's blue-ray series was the first two episodes of Kino Lorber's release of the 1960's version of "The Outer Limits."

    I've long said that "The Outer Limits" was one of the greatest half-hour anthology shows of all time. Unfortunately, it was broadcast as a full hour.

    Almost all of the episodes were mercilessly padded to make the hour length. You might remember certain fan favorite episodes, if you haven't seen them in years. Honestly, they work better in memory than in actual viewing. (Yeah, I'm talking about "The Zanti Misfits.") Some work great at hour length ("Corpus Earthling"), but most don't.

    Image and sound are terrific, as is typical with Kino Lorber. KL had them on sale recently, if you're interested, I'm sure they'll go on sale again at some point.

  • Ken_Begg

    Was I lying?

  • Gamera977

    I never thought most episodes were padded but there definitely were a few bad ones that were hardly anything but padding. Like 'The Mice', nice idea but way too much aimless running around.

  • Eric Hinkle

    The thing I remember hating about Outer Limits, though I may be confusing the 60's series with the later remake, is the way so many of the stories were designed to be unwinnable. No matter what the characters did, they were doomed. Sometimes a little darkness can be good for a story. Not everything can be a happy ending. But yeesh, sometimes that show felt like a paean to nihilism.

  • Ken_Begg

    Oh, yeah, that was definitely the 90's version. I hated it because at heart the original series was extremely optimistic. The 90s version was "you're screwed, there's nothing you can do about it" all the time. And yes, a lot of times it didn't seem organic at all, it just seemed like they were writing the scripts that way.