Monster of the Day #3489

Thanks to everyone who joined us Friday for Fearless Fighters, a film I first saw with my friend Jeff at B-Fest over 30 years ago. It was my first really goofy kung fu movie and have retained a warm place in my heart. Everyone enjoyed it, I think, and I can recommend it to anyone who hasn’t seen it. It’s available for now on Amazon Prime.

A very arty poster for a really bog standard B horror movie.

  • 🐻 bgbear_rnh

    Jeff Morrow and Rex Reason together again!

    Jeff Morrow and the Claw together again?

  • This isn't saying much, considering how little I've seen of the genre, but Fearless Fighters was one of the best Kung Fu movies I've seen.

  • Gamera977

    I'd freak out too if Jeff Morrow were pointing a giant needle at my crotch…

  • Eric Hinkle

    Some sad news: James Earl Jones just passed away. He was such a great actor and I loved seeing him in movies or hearing him do voice work.

    One more star has left the Earth to rejoin the heavens.