Jabootu's Bad Movie Dimension

Monster of the Day #3302

Sandy kicked off our post-Fest Sunday with The Shrine, a 2010 mystery/horror film largely set in Poland. Delightfully, the central female character is allowed to be a selfish asshole rather than being… Read Article →

Monster of the Day #3301

So after the last movie of the day shift, followed by a (of course) fun episode of The Untouchables (“Ya Yelllllllllaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!”), and Chad R’s quiz on demon movies–one in a walk by… Read Article →

Monster of the Day #3300

I was afraid there wasn’t enough monsters for the line-up (sadly, the incredible octopus from yesterday appears for like ten seconds), so I showed the dire Winterbeast. Its like Equinox made by… Read Article →

Monster of the Day #3298

We finished Friday night with The Oily Maniac, which was basically What if the Shaw Brothers made Toxic Avenger as a straight horror/revenge/superheroish sort of movie. Here a guy who’s been wronged… Read Article →

Compare and Contrast…

In 1977, Ridley Scott made The Duellists, about two guys continuing a years-long series of duels. (One guy want to kill the other, his opponent doesn’t.) It starred minor stars Keith Carradine… Read Article →

T-Fest Open Thread….

Off to Rockwall this afternoon. Back Wednesday next week. Consider this an open thread. I’ll try to stop by and fill in on T-Fest shenanigans, maybe some others will too. Feel free… Read Article →

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