Jabootu's Bad Movie Dimension

Monster of the Day #806

Thought this would be a graceful segue. Gold Key’s Dark Shadows series had a range of cover concepts. They started with photo covers (meh), went to these painted ones–the best, obviously–and then… Read Article →


Bad News: Fox is pushing about their MASSIVE ANTICIPATED sequel to Independence Day back to 2016. The good new is that that allows the sequel a handy marketing tool since it will… Read Article →

Monster of the Day #803

So when a Frankenstein Monster and a vampire have a child, it’s a werewolf. Just like one would guess. As Eric H. noted, apparently in the Munsters ‘reimagining’ the two Bryans (Singer… Read Article →

Monster of the Day #802

I’m more of a Morticia Addams man,but there’s no doubt Herman married above his station. Aristocrat Grandpa must have been miffed when his daughter married a…well, you can’t call Herman a self-made… Read Article →

T-Fest Open Thread….

People seemed to like the last Them! candid, so…. The guy, I’m assuming, is director Gordon Douglas. A journeyman helmer (or, if you’re being less generous, a bit of a hack) who… Read Article →

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