Jabootu's Bad Movie Dimension

Monster of the Day #3298

We finished Friday night with The Oily Maniac, which was basically What if the Shaw Brothers made Toxic Avenger as a straight horror/revenge/superheroish sort of movie. Here a guy who’s been wronged… Read Article →

Compare and Contrast…

In 1977, Ridley Scott made The Duellists, about two guys continuing a years-long series of duels. (One guy want to kill the other, his opponent doesn’t.) It starred minor stars Keith Carradine… Read Article →

T-Fest Open Thread….

Off to Rockwall this afternoon. Back Wednesday next week. Consider this an open thread. I’ll try to stop by and fill in on T-Fest shenanigans, maybe some others will too. Feel free… Read Article →

Monster of the Day #3295

The Legend of Hell House is one of the last traditional ghost stories, before everything went to shock cuts and loud music stings and CGI beasties overtly killing people. Poltergeist, I guess,… Read Article →

Monster of the Day #3292

Happy Halloween, everyone! This weekend watch something spooky–stupid is optional. Remember if you want a theater experience that Fathom Events will be showing The Invisible Man and The Wolf Man as a… Read Article →

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