While I’m busy tonight…

…watching Gamera vs. Gaos and X From Outer Space in a theater, well, I hope you guys can find something to do.

  • kgb_san_diego

    Sharknado? A SyFy especiallity, I assume?

  • jzimbert

    This is tied with Pacific Rim for my most anticipated movie of the summer.

  • SteveWD

    Is this an ‘Asylum’ movie? Looks like it could give ‘Mega Shark vs. Giant Octopus’ or ‘Mega Piranha’ a run for their money.

  • The Rev.

    Of COURSE it’s Asylum, man! Who else?

    I found a minute-long trailer for this. The 20-second one on the forum made me giggle. This longer one had bits that had me laughing out loud. I know I can’t trust Asylum’s trailers (thanks, MegaShark vs. Giant Octopus). However, since MegaPiranha they’ve actually put out a couple that were quite entertaining, like MegaShark vs. Crocosaurus and what is probably their best movie to date, Zombie Apocalypse.

    Between this and Pacific Rim, my movie-watching anticipation is running high for this weekend. I hope neither one lets me down.

  • SteveWD

    I love the ludicrous progression of stuff the shark eats in MegaShark vs. Giant Octopus. Shark eats airplane!?……Shark eats battleship!?!?!?…..Shark eats Golden Gate Bridge!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!. I was really disappointed/surprised when MegaShark didn’t start chomping down whole sections of downtown San Francisco.

  • Rock Baker

    This is just sad….

  • Eric Hinkle

    ‘A run for their money’ — that would be, what, the 10 bucks it cost to make these films?

  • Eric Hinkle

    I’m watching the climax of this movie right now. It’s more idiotic than “Mega-Shark versus Giant Octopus”, and how is that even possible? Stopping waterspouts/tornadoes by dropping hand-held firebombs into them? Killing man-sized sharks with a load of 12 gauge buckshot? And oh yes, one shark just left a shark-shaped imprint when it fell on the concrete before Grauman’s Chinese Theater. And I passed up TCM’s “Jason and the Argonauts” for this?

  • The Rev.

    Okay, just got done with it. If you’re going to watch it, you are going to have to put all sense of disbelief aside lest you hurt yourself. Of course, if you watch Asylum movies with any regularity, you should be used to that.

    I think it may actually have more stupidity per minute than any Asylum movie I’ve yet seen, more than even the two MegaShark vs. movies. While nothing happens that’s quite as retarded as Megapirahna‘s two biggies (the bicycle kick scene and the kamikaze giant piranhas), it is not for lack of trying (the whole “flying towards shark-filled tornadoes in a helicopter to throw bombs into them to stop them” is probably the closest, with the “shark cut in half with one stroke of a chainsaw” and the all-purpose shotgun being close runners-up).

    Mostly CGI sharks and blood, although there’s actually an amazingly well-done great white prop at the beginning that they should’ve used more. No joke, I don’t think I’ve seen a prop great white that had a closer resemblance to the real thing than this one. Also occasionaly stock footage of real sharks; mostly lemon sharks, which is stupid on several levels, although there’s a tiger at one point and a real nice close-up of what appears to be a sizable great white. The acting’s bad all around; the girl playing Tara Reid’s daughter is well-cast, and yes, that is as big an insult as it sounds.

    The titular weather condition really doesn’t come into play until the last 15-20 minutes (it’s mostly shark-filled floodwaters they have to worry about), but it’s pretty great when it does. My favorite scene is either: the poor bastard who gets an arm bit off by a flying shark, then lays there screaming as it works on his leg, and just before he dies a hammerhead falls out of the sky onto his head; or the lead character reenacting Matthew McConaughey’s final stand in Reign of Fire, albeit with more success. There were quite a few chuckles to be had, and I counted about a half-dozen “laugh out loud” moments; obviously YMMV.

    As far as Asylum movies, Zombie Apocalypse and Megapiranha are still my favorite two, but I’d put Sharknado above MegaShark vs. Crocosaurus. If you were a fan of Megapiranha, you’d probably like this.

  • Flangepart

    Sounds like the perfect storm of stupidity, for a riffing kinda mutant like me.
    It must be seen!

  • SteveWD

    Totally agree on the stupidity factor. I didn’t know you could cram that much stupid into 2 hours. There’s a real fine line with these movies between hilarious and painful. For me, this one crossed the painful line. I thoroughly enjoyed Megapiranha (I even have it on dvd, curse you Walmart bargain bin!), but this, just…….ouch. I think it’s because just about every cut was a continuity error. They’re supposed to be in a hurricane but there’s not a lot of wind and the weather looks quite pleasant in most scenes. They’re in waist deep water, cut, they’re not in waist deep water, etc., etc. Really bad cgi sharks I can take, but the constant barrage of sloppy editing just builds (and grates) after a while.

  • SteveWD

    Did anyone else yell out ‘Hollywroooooooddd!!!!!’ when the ferris wheel took off?

  • Gamera977

    Dang, was away and missed it, guess I’ll have to look for the rerun.

  • bgbear_rogerh

    It still sounds like an infomercial product to me.

  • Gamera977

    But wait there’s more!!!

    Order Sharknado today and we’ll throw in Megashark for no charge!!!

    Yes, you get Sharknado and Megashark for the one time only low price of only $19.95!!!

  • Flangepart

    You Sir, are a sick twisted member of the Jabootu community. Keep up the good work.

  • Eric Hinkle

    “If you’re going to watch it, you are going to have to put all sense of disbelief aside lest you hurt yourself”

    I agree with this, but I still remember one comment I heard online years ago: “I’m prepared to suspend my sense of disbelief, not to drag it into a dark alley and bludgeon it to death.”

  • The Rev.

    My sense of disbelief and I came to an agreement a while back (mostly due to the kinds of movies Ken and Sandy inflict on us). Sometimes, it’s better if it will just take a short vacation. For example, I remember being in pain during the end of Rock ‘n’ Roll Nightmare last year, and finally convinced SoD and its friends Logic and Reason to just save themselves. Much better that way. I think the first time we came to that agreement was the first time (yes, I’ve seen it more than once) I watched City of the Walking Dead.

    At this point, it just ups and leaves when it seems “The Asylum” in the opening credits. I think this is a big reason I’m so high on Zombie Apocalypse right now: it is the only Asylum movie I’ve seen that was not massively stupid; in fact, there was very little stupidity on display.